Post a job

  • It's free to post a job on BoatCaptain
  • Once you post a job it will be available to all our marine contractors to bid on

Compare Bids

  • Compare bids by price and contractor rating
  • Compare contractor profiles
  • Chat with contractors before accepting a bid

Accept a bid

  • Accept your preferred bid
  • Coordinate with the contractor via BoatCaptain Live Chat
  • Recieve Invoice and rate contractor

Create a work profile

  • Create a work profile that shows potential clients why they shoud hire you
  • Sign up for a free trial and start bidding on jobs

Bid on jobs

  • Search through jobs in your area and bid on the ones best suited to you
  • Bid types include hourly rate, day rate and fixed price bids

Complete job

  • Once your bid is accepted coordinate with the client via BoatCaptain live chat
  • Complete job with an invoice using our invoice generator or invoice off site
  • Rate the client and find new jobs to bid on


  • 60 day free trial for a limited time only!
  • $9.99 per month to bid on as many jobs as you would like!